Chile should have been the bright spot in Latin America in the fight against Covid-19 because of rapid vaccination, but the infection here still increases.
Chile, South American National 19 million people, quickly launched a vaccination campaign by signing an agreement with pharmaceutical companies only a few months after the pandemic outbreaks.

Photo: AFP
As of April 14, Chile has a vaccination rate of 38.94 per 100, only after Israel (61.58) and England (47.51).
Medical staff moved patients in Santiago on April 9.
However, the pandemic has not been relieved.
FRANCISCO ALVARAREZ Public Health Expert, former Director of Valparaíso Provincial Department of Health, the second population in Chile, said the easing of Covid-19 restrictions on the year-end holidays is the cause.
"Just before Christmas, we see families who go to buy gifts and crowds gathered at shopping centers. Starting in January, people are allowed to travel intercity and viruses that have come with them,"
Álvarez said the crowd also flocked to the beaches in Valparaíso province, the top tourist destination.
"Everyone receives two misleading messages: You can take a vacation anywhere in the country or abroad and we are one of the leading countries in Latin America about vaccination. People understand that risk
When I was a member of the Department of Health Valparaíso, the Agency of Álvarez recorded 60 mainly infectious infections that young people attended with a secret party on New Year's Eve, even though such rehearsals still remain
Valparaíso noted at least 6 secret parties with the main participation of young people from Santiago.
Employees are once again forced to take fierce measures.
Enrique Paris Health Minister said that despite a number of measures that were eased in December 2020, he had never said that people were allowed to stop following precautions.
Another problem is the vaccine.
Although it is too early to determine whether this factor has a significant contribution to increasing cases of infection, Chile notes cases of celebrities that have been vaccinated but still hospitalized for viruses.
Celestino AOS, Archbishop Santiago, had to be hospitalized on April 10 after positive for NCOV and discharge on April 13.
"We have never said that vaccination will be the only answer. We have to vaccinate, but we also pay attention to other measures such as restrictions on traveling, wearing masks, washing hands and stretching ways
Gao Fu, director of the Chinese Disease Control and Prevention Center acknowledged at a Chengdu conference last weekend that "the protection rate of Chinese vaccines is not high".
Coronavac vaccine is said to be more effective in preventing serious cases.
Izkia Siches, heads "Colegio Médico", Chile's largest medical association, has criticized the government's reaction to the pandemic, saying that allowing people to travel during the holiday, messages
Minister Paris finally launched a bright review before the Chile National Assembly on the vaccination campaign.
Paris, who served from June 2020, then admitted Chile "made a mistake but perhaps caused pain for many families."
"I asked your forgiveness. We did everything to get the best results," Paris said.