Former President Obama and his wife will attend the official portrait publication ceremony at the White House after many years of being delayed under Mr. Trump.
US President Joe Biden, who used to be the Vice President under Barack Obama, and the First Lady Jill Biden, will preside over the ceremony to announce the portrait of former President Obama on September 7.

Photo: AFP
Former US President Obama and his wife attended a party in the East, White House, December 14, 2016.
Traditionally, the incumbent president often expressed respect to his predecessor by announcing their portraits at the White House.
The last time Obama, the 44th President of the United States, returned to the White House in April, when he came here to speak an event on medical spending.
Trump, during his time, has repeatedly broken the tradition such as the portrait of President Bill Clinton and George W. Bush from Grand Foyer, the room in the most prominent position in the White House.
Former US President Obama will return to the White House for the first time since leaving the office, in order to organize the event to celebrate the event with the incumbent government.
Obama returned to the White House for the first time after leaving the office, calling Biden as the Vice President, causing Biden to respond by raising his hand to greet the army.