The US pilot said 823 people, including 640 adults and 183 children, sitting on the C-17 transport to leaving Afghanistan last weekend.
640 is a slightly lowered number.

Photo: Defense One
The US Road Transport Command (AMC) on the same day confirms the C-17 transportation to carry 823 Afghan citizens, calling this a record for this type of aircraft.
More than 820 Afghan people crowded on US C-17 transport on August 15.
There are women and children, their lives are threatened.
Sergeant Triola said those who are hotly evacuated to leave the region and the C-17 transport crew are very happy to welcome them.
The C-17 transport can carry up to 80 soldiers on the middle seats and 54 people on the row of seats.
The Taliban opened a military campaign to beat the majority of Afghan territory in the past few weeks, after the US and the Allied withdrawal from Central Asia.
Thousands of Afghan people then poured Hamid Karzai International Airport in Kabul to find a way to leave the country.