Paying President Mali Assimi Goita was attacked by a knife when he was attending Eid Al-Adha prayer at Bamako's cathedral but escaped.
The Mali government called the attack on July 20 was the assassination plot, after two men, including a knife carrying man, seeking to rush into President Goita Praying at the Islamic Cathedral.

Photo: Reuters
Witnesses said that when the two attackers rushed in, Goita was shielded quickly.
Security officials Mali revealed two suspects being arrested in relation to the missing assassination.
According to Religious Minister Mamadou Kone, a knife man tried to kill the president but the security force was timely arresting him.
Interim President Mali Assimi Goita attended the Ecowas consultation meeting in September 2020.
President Leita was killed in the context of Mali's politics that was sunk in chaos for many months.
He overthrowed the ibrahim Boubacar Keita president in August 2020 when the wave of protest against corruption reached the climax, then established a military government and kept a vice president.
The European Union (AU) and the Economic Community of West African countries (Ecowas) temporarily suspend Mali membership, asking Goita soon to elect and let a civil prime minister came to power.