Many Malaysians register for Vaccine Covid-19 but do not come according to the appointment, raise concerns from skeptical psychology of vaccination in the community.
Malaysia is trying to accelerate the national vaccination program to open a sustainable exit to the country before the Covid-19 crisis.

Photo: Reuters.
Malaysian Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin understands that Covid-19 is threatening to life millions of people as well as his political career.
Health workers at a Covid-19 test site in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, in February.
To speed up the vaccination speed, 5 super large vaccination centers were founded around Kuala Lumpur.
Prime Minister Muhyiddin was committed to opening 300 more vaccination centers and Malaysia planned to receive an additional 16 million doses of the vaccine in the next two months.
Malaysia has passed three types of vaccines for the national vaccination program including Pfizer-Biontech, Astrazeneca and Coronavac.
However, a large barrier for the campaign is the public's attitude and psychology for vaccination.
In the survey conducted by the Minister of Malaysia at the end of December, about two-thirds of 212,000 people were surveyed to accept Vaccine Covid-19.
About 1/6 of the surveyed participants say they will not get vaccinated.
The psychology of vaccination is particularly high in low-income communities.
An order to finish fine or imprisonment for those who spread the false information about the vaccine has been adopted in May in an effort to fight the theory of vaccination conspiracy in Malaysia, such as Vaccine Coven
Many self-styling experts can claim to resist Covid-19 by increasing self-immunity through herbs and other natural methods.

Photo: Reuters.
Malaysian Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin injected Vaccine Covid-19 in February.
Among the vaccines used by Malaysia in the national vaccination program, Coronavac of Sinovac, China, are the most controversial.
Some Malaysian residents are considered poor quality products compared to other mRNA vaccines such as Pfizer due to poor efficiency and test results with a big difference.
However, Coronavac is still lucky than Astrazeneca.
More worrying, according to Minister of Styry Science, the percentage of people who have registered for vaccinations with an appointment at the immunization center are only 80% average, meaning even if people overcome the psychology
Authorities are considering the application of fine measures of people who miss their appointment, after more than 52,000 people have not appeared at injection points on 7 states last month.
There is no easy solution for the situation of renunciation and psychological psychology of the vaccination of Malaysian people in particular and globally in general.
General Director of the World Health Organization (WHO) Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus in February said we not only have to fight the epidemic but also to participate in a battle of information, confirming the psychology of vaccine is challenging
According to Dr. Vinod RMT Balasubramaniam, a high-level molecular virus virus at Monash University Malaysia, enhancing providing orthodox information from authorities and health professionals to reassure people on safety
He said that Malaysians need to realize they are confronting one of the worst pandemics in human history, in which the only remedy is vaccine.
The clock is pointing every second.