China The man in Guangxi led a 5 -year -old boy to kindergarten and left there after discovering that he was not a biological son.
The man last week led the boy called Xiao Rui to kindergarten and left there.

Photo: Weibo
Chen's teacher said Xiao Rui enrolled in April. Every day, the father was responsible for transporting him at school.
The anonymous father told Chen that he would not come to pick up the boy because he discovered that Xiao Rui was not a biological child after checking his father and son.
The boy was abandoned in the kindergarten of Guangxi province, China last week.
Ms. Chen later discovered her father prepared Xiao Rui's clothes and placed a mobile phone in his baby's pocket on the last day he took him to school.
The father continued to talk to the school by phone later, but refused to pick him up.
Chen called the local police for help and they contacted him and Xiao Rui's uncle, but both refused to accept the boy.
The incident was indignant in China, many were shocked by the behavior of his parents.
Obviously the father talked to his wife and relatives but no one wanted to raise the boy, forcing him to leave him at a kindergarten, another said.
According to Chinese law, the father did not commit abandoned because the boy was not his biological son.
Two weeks ago, police in Hainan province, southern China, investigated a mother suspected of throwing a newborn into the trash in front of the hotel.
According to official data, about 193,000 orphans in China in 2020, 17% lower than 2019.
Amber Barrett, 32, in North Dakota, was charged with neglected for wearing 6 children with the body of a man who died of drug shock.