Three weeks after the two doses of Vaccine Covid-19, Pallava Bagla began to have a high fever, sore throat and felt extremely uncomfortable.
On April 22, Bagla, 58, a scientific reporter in New Delhi, has a positive result with NCOV.

Photo: Reuters.
At the Indian Institute of Health Sciences, the doctor causes blood tests and injections for him.
Before leaving the hospital after 8 days of treatment, Balga was doctor to watch the lungs a male patient with his age, with Covid-19, with diabetes but not immunized.
"There is a clear difference. The doctor said that if I have not been vaccinated, I may have died in the special care room. Timely and full vaccination has saved me," he said.
A Covid-19 patient was included in the treatment at Ahmedabad, India on April 19.
Although India has a full vaccination for about 2.5% of 1.3 billion people, "dodging vaccines" viruses are infected with NCOV two weeks after injecting enough noses, it seems rising,
Scientists have sampled Balga's biological products to seize the virus gene that he has infected.
Effective vaccines prevent Covid-19 are indisputable.
Of the 95 million people with full vaccination in the US as of April 26, more than 9,000 people are still infected with NCOV, according to the American Disease Control and Prevention Center (CDC).
But this data in India still has patching due to limited source.
Official data said there are 2-4 people in 10,000 immunizations in India infected with NCOV.
The data from the hospital is also quite chaotic.

Photo: NYTimes.
60% of doctors in special care units at Lok Nayak Jai Prakash Narayan (LNJP), the largest hospital in New Delhi, was infected with full vaccination, but no one had to be hospitalized, Farah Husain
Another study at Fortis C-DOC, hospital in New Delhi, shows 15 in 113 Health employees infected with NCOV two weeks after the second vaccine injection.
"We are seeing many cases of medical staff infected with NCOV after vaccination. But most of them have mild symptoms. Vaccine has helped block the risk of severe infections," said Dr. Anoop Misra, co-author of the study
As a result, another study in Kerala state shows two of 6 Health workers infected with NCOV, although injecting sufficient two doses of vaccines contaminated with a variable capable of avoiding the body's immune system.
Scientists believe that India needs more data to check the rate of dodging vaccines in the population and find out how the vaccine works.
"The question that everyone is most posing is whether a large amount of people suffered after vaccination", Dr. Shahid Jameel, a virusist, said.
People queue for vaccination in a hospital in New Delhi earlier this month.
The greater anxiety is that the daily vaccination rate in India is plunging and community immunity is also very far away.
Experts are concerned that the second unbelievable outbreak will facilitate more mutant viruses and have the ability to escape the protective layer of the vaccine easier.
Scientists say that vaccine is still an effective measure to combat severe infections and hospitalization.
"Vaccine effectively. But they don't allow you to recklessly and ignore it. You still have to be very cautious," Balga said.