Harry was said to compete with Dad and William to become a better royal person in California style.
Angela Levin, who specializes in British biography, on July 5, said that Prince Harry wants to become a royal person differently, in California style, as well as to become strong, powerful.

Photo: AFP.
I suppose it was because he was bored with being pushed down in the throne-winning list, he wants to be strong, powerful, so it has given a series of requests, even small or big, Levin said.
Prince Harry (left) and William during the inauguration ceremony of Princess Diana in Kenshington Palace in London on July 1.
Before the inauguration ceremony of Princess Princess Diana on July 1, Harry once said his mother loved youth, thinking that young people were forces to change the world, which he and his wife wanted to reflect through work.
Levin said Harry's speech seemed to put William to second place, but in general, the two brothers behave perfectly on the ceremony on July 1.
Comment on William's reunion and Harry at the event, a source for no mediation conversations, the distance remains the same between the two brothers.
Some sources said Harry and Meghan could return to England in September to join an event honoring Princess Diana.
The sources close to the Diana family expressed hope Harry and William could heal the crack, but Harry was thought to be very hard to trust Harry.
Harry and William reunite this week for the only reason is to remember Mother's heritage, but most of Harry's time like outsiders.
There is nothing more to discuss.