Harry seemed to write a letter to her father to try to solve all stresses before he returned to his grandfather's funeral, Royal Philip.
"Actually Harry didn't know what to expect before going home, so he held out his hand in front of everyone. He wrote a letter to his father to try to solve everything in a straightforward way, but

Photo: AFP.
The source said in the letter sent Dad, Prince Charles, Harry explained why he gave up royal senior tasks in March last year and promised to respect the Royal family.
Harry in the funeral of the Philip Prince at Windsor Castle on April 17.
However, the relationship between Harry and his father seemed to be stressful.
After finishing the Funeral Festival of the Royal Philip on April 17, the prince William couple went along and chatted with Harry's younger brother on the way to St George's chapel.
The conversation between the three parents is described as "inefficient", but the sources also said that can be considered to be the right step to resolve the conflict between Harry and the royal after the interview "bomb
The source added that the royal members he seemed to have raised an unsuccessful agreement that only focused on supporting the Queen of England after the departure of the Philip.