President Duterte said the US gave a lot of Vaccine Covid-19 to the Philippines that persuaded him to maintain a military visit agreement between the two countries.
It is just a rule thatever has been.

Photo: Ph? t?ng th?ng Philippines
The decision was given by the Philippine President after the country received more than three million doses of Johnson & Johnson vaccine from the United States.
Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte spoke on television on April 15.
President Duterte, who tends to leave the US ally and towards China to enjoy economic benefits, in February 2020, declare VFA but not yet implemented decisions, then many times do not reconnect
However, after the visit of the US Defense Minister Lloyd Austin to Manila last month, Duterte decided to revoke the letter to end VFA, and hoped that the US relations - the Philippines will return in the right direction.
VFA was valid since 1999, helping American soldiers not to comply with Passport and visa requirements in the Philippines when they go to this country to rehearsing, and allow Washington to maintain trial of American soldiers Pham Pham at
The agreement also allows the US to deploy regular military forces in the Philippines on a rotating basis, to avoid the provisions of the Philippines Constitution that prohibit foreign military for long-term garrison in the territory.