Australia became a global model in 2020 with an effective anti-Covid-19 strategy, but the Delta transformation appeared and ruined all.
Australia has achieved a new normal state between Covid-19 in 2020, when people can go to restaurants, night clubs, gathered people at festivals or to theaters.

Photo: AP.
The strong Covid-19 defense system of this country, thanks to the compulsory and isolated quarantine policy, has brought about 99.99%.
Sydney, Australia's largest and richest city, avoided blockade words thanks to a system of gold standard contact.
On June 25, the authorities were forced to apply Sydney blockade orders.
Sydney, Darwin, Perth and Brisbane are blocked.
A beach in Melbourne, Australia in February: Photo: AP.
In an emergency meeting on June 28, the state and federal government tried to patch the vulnerabilities in Covid-19 response strategy.
Epidemiologists say Delta strains have shown the most contagious ability among virus strains and it has successfully exploited the holes in Australia's Covid-19 defense system.
The country's border and quarantine control system is getting more and more challenges since the initial strain appears at the end of 2020. Officials have recorded many cases among passengers being quarantined, even in
Many experts have expressed concern about the ventilation system and lack of fresh gas in isolated hotels.
Two outbreaks causing trouble for Australia are now derived from isolated hotels.
Another weakness in Australia's Covid-19 defense system is the border.
When passengers left the plane, they would be a group of troops, police and nurses and gloves straight to the quarantine.
CA F0 in Sydney is a 60-year-old driver, infected with a virus from a passenger.
Despite these errors, many experts believe that the high risk of infection of Delta transformation is a strong cause of epidemics.

Photo: AP.
Extremely contagious Delta strains.
She pointed out before translating outbreaks, officials recorded Delta transformations that they couldn't even determine how infection.
Therefore, I think even with the perfect system, this is still a challenge.
The threat from Delta also exposes defeat in Australia's vaccination campaign.
Australia is the last country in the Economic Cooperation and Development Organization (OECD) to implement the vaccination program.
You have many people who are vaccinated a dose over the number of people who have been vaccinated enough.
Australia's slow vaccination campaign stems from supply and subjective issues because of low infection and concerns about the risk of rare coagulation of Astrazeneca vaccine.
The risk information of Astrazeneca vaccine is rampant on the media that many Australians fear.
The driver queues Covid-19 testing on the car at Bondi Beach, Sydney on June 25.
Experts agree that current outbreaks must be prevented by blocking blockade and other limited measures.
But to avoid the outbreaks caused by the Delta strain in the future, Scott Morrison seems to accept the call to accelerate the immunizations of experts.
Prime Minister Morrison also expanded the scope of using Astrazeneca vaccine for younger people and committed to protecting doctors in case the injection occurred adverse reactions.
Experts also warn Delta strains that can change Australia's long-term life.
Previously, everything was great.