Local media and people said at least 20 villagers in central Myanmar were killed while fighting security forces.
The conflict broke out tonight between the security force and the villagers HLAswe, the town of Kyonpyaw, Ayeyarwadry plain, about 150 km northwest of Yangon, according to 4 Myanmar news agencies and a local people.

Photo: AFP.
People in the village only have crossbows, a lot of people died and injured, an unnamed locals said.
A member of Karen National Union rebels (KNU) in the training camp in Karen in May. Photo: AFP.
The news agency and Delta said at least 20 villagers were killed, many people were injured in an attempt to fight after the soldiers attacked the villagers with the reason for finding weapons.
This is the largest number of civilians for nearly two months, which is also one of the worst violence from the coup in Ayeyarwady, Myanmar's important rice growing area, where most population is ethnic minorities
However, Myanmar's state television today reported that three terrorists were destroyed, the two names were arrested in HlAswe Village, when the security force arrested a person accused of conspiracy against the state.
According to a group of human rights observations in Myanmar, about 845 civilians were killed in clashes with security forces from the beginning of February, whether the Myanmar military government denied this number.
Myanmar fell into the crisis from the beginning of February, after the army arrested Ms. Suu Kyi and overturned the civilian government with accusing the election fraud in November 2020 not to be resolved.