Chinese military experts criticized some unknown research in technology and did not apply modern thinking in training.

Chinese troops (PLA) take two decades to fully automate their weapons systems, switching largely manually manipulating into digital operations.


Photo: PLA

Some articles identified the Chinese Army's training system "shortcoming", many rehearsals "seem very difficult but really outdated and completely inefficient."

Chinese military professionals criticize some military commanders "do not understand technology" and how it affects modern combat activities.

"All competitors value and rely on technology in the modern war," said Chinese Military Military Academy expert, said in the article published on April 26.

Chinese soldiers rehearsed real bullets with self-propelled guns PLC-09.

Series criticized Chinese military commanders posted after PLA announced to complete all weapons combinations, to pursue larger targets than building the world's largest army into "force

The Ministry of Defense China in 2020 announced the goal of automating the gas automation, in the context of the Chinese Central Military Commission, the ambition to build the army into a completely modern force in 2027 on the occasion of 100

Antony Wong Tong military expert in Macau said automation of weapons systems was part of the transition to the aggression of the Chinese army.

"The Chinese Army operates under a mixing mechanism between American and Soviet Union, while the cyberspace unit of strategic support force has learned most of the essentials from the US military", experts

One of the outstanding activities of the Chinese Strategic Support Force is the integration of the command system of 10 Army Units into the early warning system of the air force under the western region, PLA Daily

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Chu Thun Minh, the expert of the Yuan Wang Research Institute based in Beijing, said the Chinese Army is facing the pressure of turning bulky units into small and flexible teams, using dance

"Light but stronger weapons combinations are much stronger than the old systems of the last century, which depends heavily on human power to operate. For example, this jet cannon and a cannon can shoot with the rate

Most of the rehearsals on the Chinese military formerly are active in the field, using real bullets, but the cycle expert said this is not an effective approach.

One way to cut costs is practicing on simulation equipment, tactics used by the US military and being studied by China.

"This activity has positive results," said Chu expert.