Biden wears a tanned vest in a white house press conference, like Obama's controversial set, during the former president's birthday.

This is the crowd room, I'm listening to the President.


Photo: NY Post

Biden wears this suit during the former Birthday Week of the former President Barack Obama, who turns 60 on August 4.

Obama almost always wears gray or dark green suits.

Biden's tanned color vest (left) wearing in the White House press conference on August 6 and the Obama suit wearing in the White House press conference in August 2014.

Obama's outfit was shocked for the Republican Congressions and Ring Communications, raising a polar debate about presidential costumes.

None of us can excuse what the President did yesterday, King said in the interview a day later.

According to King, the suit sent the message to the terrorist group.

Fox Business's host, Lou Dobbs, said the tanned vest shocked a lot of people.

In response to the criticism of the White House presser, Josh Earnest told the Presidential reporter who decided to wear a summer vest at the press conference yesterday.