President Lukashenko said that Belarus's Sukhoi aircraft were edited to carry nuclear weapons, ready to respond if the West was aggressive.
President Belarus Alexander Lukashenko on August 26 mentioned the potential threats from the neighboring country of Poland, criticizing the country's leaders but said that the Polish army understood the specific reaction of Minsk if happened if happened if happened

Photo: AFP
They are not seriously facing relations with Belarus, because it is synonymous with serious relations with the alliance state that owns nuclear weapons.
Lukashenko's statements did not mention the West directly, but seemed to refer to threats from NATO, the military alliance that Poland was a member.
President Lukashenko in an interview in the capital Minsk in late July. Photo: AFP.
The West needs to understand that aircraft or military helicopters will be useless if they decide to seriously do the situation.
Mr. Lukashenko did not indicate that the aircraft was edited and which nuclear weapons will be equipped for them.
Belarus used to operate the Su-17 bomb fighter and Su-24 stimulus was designed to deploy tactical nuclear weapons, but eliminated them many years ago.
Belarus is a close ally of Russia and allows neighbors to use the territory to attack Ukraine.
President Lukashenko in July described Belarus as the only country in the world to support Russia in the fight against fascism.
President Belarus Lukashenko said that Ukraine could end the battle by negotiating with Russia and concessions to avoid the risk of nuclear war.
President Lukashenko rewarded KGB agents who have conducted a campaign to rescue Belarus citizens trapped in Ukraine without any gunfire.