After two doses of Pfizer vaccine cannot help Esther Jones to activate the immune system, she quickly looked for protection from the third vaccine dose.
This time, Esther Jones, a rural nurse in Portland, Oregon, USA, picked a moderna injection and it had results.

Photo: NYTimes.
Jones, 45, have been kidney transplant in 2010 and must take immunosuppressive drugs since then to prevent transplantation.
Esther Jones at a park in Portland, Oregon.
Since April, medical service providers in France have regularly injection of third vaccines for immune problems.
Dr. Dorry Segev, a transplant surgeon at Johns Hopkins University leading research, said that there is still a risk of infection even though immunization is scary and frustrating for people with immunodeficiency
However, there is no federal or vaccine manufacturer in the US efforts to test an enhanced dose for immunocompromised people.
Need a study at the national scope of enhanced doses for those who have organs, Dr. Baazs Halmos, a cancer specialist at Monterfiore Medical Center in Bronx and the leading researcher for
It is estimated that 5% of the US population has immunodeficiency, due to many causes, such as cancer, organ transplantation, chronic liver disease, kidney failure or taking drugs such as rituxan, steroids and methotrexate for treatment from arthritis
These are people who are left behind, Dr. Jose U. Scher, the doctor about Joins at Nyu Langone Medical Center and the leader of the effect of methotrexate with the vaccine, said.
Not all people of this group are affected, but Apoorva Mandavilli, the editor of Nytimes, said that the absence of large-scale research is not possible to know who needs an additional vaccine dose.
Increasing doses enhanced by researchers supported by this approach have precedents, such as immunocompromised people who have been injected with increased hepatitis B and flu vaccines.
Some studies indicate the third vaccine dose that can be effective for patients who do not increase antibodies after the first two doses, but conducting intensive studies are quite slow.

Photo: NYTimes.
Moderna prepares a third dose test for 120 organ transplants, while Pfizer has a larger-scale research plan with 180 adults and 180 children with immune problems.
NIH also searched for 400 immunocompromised people for testing to monitor the level of antibodies and immune cells for 24 months, but there was no testing of enhanced doses.
It takes a lot of time, especially for a government agency.
But this explanation does not satisfy researchers.
It is a very simple study.
A vaccination point in New Jersey in February. Photo: Nytimes.
Segev's group in a study found less than 50% of 658 organ transplants increased antibodies after two Pfizer or Moderna injections.
Ms. Jones said many people like her felt they were abandoned by the federal government, especially when many NCOV transformations were raging in the United States.
Many members of a group of immunodeficiency people on Facebook have been injecting the third dose at mass vaccinations, where suppliers do not check for vaccination records, or in other states in the US.
I am very sad when many people around the world turn the mask into a political issue, Ms. Jones said.