Japan and the US's fighters conducted a joint exercise as a move in response to North Korea's ballistic missile launch.
The Japanese military General Staff Department said that 8 fighters of the country and four US fighters participated in a joint exercise in the western airspace of the Kyushu region, just hours after North Korea launched a rocket.

Photo: Reuters
The Japanese military said the joint exercises were conducted as the surrounding security environment became more and more dangerous, including the North Korea that launched ballistic missiles.
American and Japanese aircraft exercises in the airfather off the island of Kyushu, Japan on October 4.
The announcement of the Japanese General Staff Department was given immediately after Prime Minister Fumio Kishida held talks with Admiral John Aquilino, head of the American Indo -Pacific Command.
We need to act quickly, Mr. Kishida told reporters, and said Tokyo and Washington decided to conduct a joint exercise, but did not publish in detail.
Prime Minister Kishida said he would talk to US President Joe Biden to reaffirm the close coordination between the leaders of the two countries.
North Korea's ballistic missile launch early in the morning on September 4 was the first time Pyongyang launched a missile over Japan for the past 5 years.

Photo: AFP
The estimated route of the Korean missile in the test on October 4.
This is the fifth fire missile fire of North Korea over the past 10 days.
Experts are also concerned that this test may be a premise for North Korea to test more modern weapons, including bombs or nuclear warheads.
Launching missiles to Japan, North Korea seems to want to create a premise for nuclear testing, as well as improving weapons capacity in the payroll.
Since Kim Jong-un has come to power, North Korea has changed television production techniques, with images like Hollywood.