The US health authorities are expected to change the recommendation, suggesting that the person who has full vaccine is wearing a mask when in a closed room environment.
The American Disease Control and Prevention Center (CDC) plans to announce this adjustment date on July 27 (US time), an unnamed federal official discloses with communication.

Photo: AP.
This will be one of many times CDC changes its mask regulations.
North Carolina University students returned to school in August 2020 when CDC pushed up the mask.
By April this year, when the national vaccination rate increased strongly, CDC began to loosenly to wear masks when going to the road.
The mask regulation is further enrolled for the vaccine in May. Confidence in the level of protection of the vaccine, CDC allows those who take enough nose without wearing the outdoor mask even in a crowded place.
Only the environments concentrate in a private space such as buses, aircraft, hospitals and hospitals still keep making masks as usual.
However, in nearly two months, the Delta transformation has spread at a dizzying speed in the United States and becomes a dominant strange in this country.
Despite the recommendation of CDC easing, many cities have recently restored the regulations to bring a mask in a closed space, typically St.