When Louis, 10, and Temple Abernathy, 6, on the saddle in Frederick, Oklahoma, arrived in New York in 1910, no adults accompanied the two boys.
This is not the boys' first adventure, they went to Santa Fe, New Mexico last year.

Louis (left) and Temple on a journey to New York in 1910 Photo: Facebook/Bud & me.
Louis and Temple are the children of the judicial police Jack Abernathy, who used to be a Texas cowboy.
The trip of two "little cowboys" was heavily reported by the press, becoming a symbol of the horse-riding talent, the strength, and the independent spirit of the American West - something Roosevelt loved very much.
Louis and Temple left Oklahoma in early April wearing a wide-brimmed hat, long pants and horse spikes.
They did not bring a map, but determined their direction by looking at the sun and asking the locals for directions.
The more famous they went east, the more reporters greeted the boy in each town.
Everyone understood the risks the two boys faced.

Three travels of the Abernathy brothers in 1909 and 1910 Photo: 405 Magazine
The two boys encountered many obstacles such as blizzards.
When Louis and Temple arrived in Washington in May, Temple fell asleep while Louis chatted with reporters at a hotel.
In Trenton, New Jersey, boys reunited with their fathers.
Three trips by the Abernathy brothers in 1909 and 1910. Graphics: 405 Magazine.
When Louis and Temple arrived in New York, crowds gathered, shouting the names of the two boys, some even taking flowers from Temple's coat.
When asked if he wanted to be a cavalry police officer, Temple replied that he would rather be the hotel receptionist.

Louis and Temple drove from New York to Oklahoma in 1910 Photo: Cellar
On June 18, 1910, Roosevelt returned to New York after traveling to Europe and Africa, collecting many specimens for the National Museum of Nature.
"The best part of the trip was the smile he gave us at the time," Temple said.
Two boys rode on horseback in parade with Spanish-American War veterans, everyone cheering as they passed.
The Abernathy brothers then went on other trips as well.
In 1910, after Louis and Temple met Roosevelt, they stayed to visit New York for several more weeks.