Twitter will ban ads related to political candidates, law or support a certain result, before the 2020 US presidential election.
Popular social network Twitter first banned political advertising in October but did not publish the details of the ban. In its November 15 announcement, Twitter said it would define political advertising as all content related to candidates, parties, elections or appointments of government officials, referendums, and law. , voting methods and voting results.

The Twitter application icon is displayed on the user's phone screen, August 2017 Photo: Reuters.
Twitter announced it would combine automated technology and staff to enforce new advertising bans.
The move comes as the 2020 U.S. presidential campaign is heating up and media companies are under pressure to stop accepting ads that spread misinformation and can affect election results.
"We believe that the level of accessibility of political messages should be achieved by itself rather than buying and selling," Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey said in the ban announcement.
The ban is expected to take effect on November 22. Twitter will still allow companies and advocacy groups to run ads to promote awareness and discuss social issues like environmental protection.