Trump boarded a helicopter to leave the White House for Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, who is believed to have a mild fever.
About 17 hours after announcing he was positive for nCoV, Trump slowly walked the South Lawn of the White House to board a helicopter to the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in Bethesda, Maryland on October 2 afternoon.

Trump walked on the South Lawn at the White House to get a helicopter to hospital Photo: AFP
"I want to thank everyone for the great support. I'm going to Walter Reed Hospital. I think I'm fine, but we have to make sure everything is going well. The First Lady is also doing well.
White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany said Trump will work in a special room at the hospital for the next few days as a preventive measure.
Trump, 74, has a mild fever, according to a source familiar with the matter.
Conley said Trump is being treated with Regeneron's REGN-COV2.
According to the 25th Amendment to the US Constitution, the President is allowed to temporarily hand over operations to the Vice President if his health does not allow him to continue his work.
US Vice President Pence and Second Lady Karen on October 2 received test results negative for nCoV.