Kumar Nayak, 63, from Odishi state, was thought by the neighbors to be a "witch" because she was born with 19 toes and 12 fingers.
Ms. Nayak rarely leaves her home in Ganjam town, Odishi state, because she is often criticized for her appearance. Nayak has a genetic birth defect that makes her have more fingers and toes than normal people. She should have been treated a few years ago but her family could not manage to afford it.

Ms. Nayak has 12 fingers Photo: India Photo Agency
There are currently 700-1,000 people worldwide with polydactylynosis and Nayak is a serious case. The extra fingers may be just a small tumor, but they can also be a full finger or leg. The removal of the extra finger depends on the patient, but the recommended age for surgery is 1-6 years.
"I was born with a malformation and I could not cure it because my family was so poor," she said. "It's been 63 years since I lived in this situation. People around me believe that I'm a witch and stay away from me."
Occasionally, curious people came to see Nayak's condition, which made her even more afraid and hiding in the house.

Ms. Nayak has 19 toes Photo: India Photo Agency
Last month, Ajun, a 21-year-old Chinese man, born with nine toes on his left leg, had a life-changing surgery when he removed four excess toes. During his childhood, he always avoided socializing and felt "useless".
Ajun's parents are superstitious and don't want their son to cut off the extra toes because a fortune teller said they were a blessing. However, he remained adamant about surgery and felt happy when his feet became "perfect" after the doctor had removed the extra fingers.