Driver Eamonn Harrison was given a court order in Ireland to appeal the extradition order to the UK, in connection with the 39 deaths of Vietnamese in container trucks.
He wants Ireland to extradite Eamonn Harrison, 23, who has been charged with 41 offenses, including the manslaughter of 39 people, human trafficking and illegal immigration assistance.

Container truck carrying the body at Waterglade on October 23, 2019 Photo: AFP
Judge Donald Binchy at the Dublin High Court in Ireland last month passed a extradition request, after the European Arrest Order was issued (requires a country to arrest and extradite a criminal suspect or convicted person to the country. issuing an order, for that person to be tried or enforced). But after hearing Harrison's lawyer say there was "an error" in the arrest warrant, the judge today decided to delay signing the extradition order to give Harrison time to appeal.
Attorneys have argued that when Ireland asked Britain for more information, the British Royal Prosecutor was the one who responded to the request, while judicial authorities, such as a British judge, had to be The party does that.
39 bodies, including 31 men and 8 women, were discovered in a refrigerated container truck in Grays Industrial Park, Essex County, England, on the morning of October 23, 2019. The victims were later identified as Vietnamese citizens illegally immigrating to the UK by containers on ferries from Belgium. The Essex County Police on 11/2 said the cause of their death was lack of oxygen and overheating.

Driver Eamon Harrison Photo: Independent
Harrison was the driver who took the frozen container to the port of Zeebrugge, Belgium before it was transferred by ferry to the British port of Purfleet on October 22. Harrison is said to have bypassed the usual procedures of arriving at the port, failing to report his identity or submit a bill of lading proving himself hired by the shipping company.
Driver Maurice Robinson, 25, then took the container out of the port to Waterglade Industrial Park, Grays Town, Essex County and informed officials of the 39 people who died inside early in the morning on October 23. Robinson was charged with 39 charges of manslaughter, two charges of human trafficking and one charge of money laundering.
At the end of November 2019, the United Kingdom and Vietnam coordinated to bring all the bodies, ashes of the victims to the country and hand them over to the families. Vietnam arrested 11 suspects related to the brokerage line that illegally sent workers to Britain.