A nurse in New Orleans described the situation as very tough and they may not be able to hold it up next month.
"On average each day we put 5-7 intubation tubes and recorded 3-4 deaths. We had to set up a mortuary outside the emergency department for patients who died of Covid-19. The morgue was closed, "an unnamed nurse at a hospital in New Orleans, Louisiana, said March 26 after the end of the shift.

Tents were set up to test for nCoV outside a hospital in New Orleans on March 24 Photo: Washington Times
According to the nurse, the situation in the hospital was very tough and the staff had to make more efforts.
"We are being asked to recycle the N95 respirator. The hospital has only 16 unused ventilators. We are informed that the surrounding hospitals have reached their maximum capacity without a ventilator, leaving the hospital. we and another large hospital take care of these patients, "the nurse said, adding that many New Orleans health workers are being quarantined because of exposure or nCoV infection.
Covid-19 has appeared in 199 countries and territories, causing more than 662,000 people infected and more than 30,000 deaths. The United States is currently the largest epidemic region in the world with more than 123,000 cases, of which more than 2,200 have died.
Officials warn of new outbreaks that may occur in Detroit, Chicago and New Orleans. In Louisiana, where the number of deaths increases by more than 40% in one day and there is no sign of decreasing, hospitals are overcrowded. New Orleans, the state's epidemic, is lacking in breathing machines and Covid-19 coping equipment.
"If this situation continues in April, our hospital cannot support it anymore," the nurse said.