Prostitutes are allowed to take guests back on July 1 when the Netherlands loosens restrictions on Covid-19 rooms, but they are advised to avoid kissing to reduce the risk of infection.

The Netherlands ordered the closure of the red light district in mid-March and was originally intended to be reopened in September. But at the end of last month, they decided to push the calendar up to two months earlier when the new nCoV case dropped during the period.


Foxxy in Amsterdam on June 30 Photo: Reuters

"We recommend that they should not face to face with each other. We also recommend that they do not kiss to avoid spreading the virus through saliva," said Debbie Mensink, public health advisor in Amsterdam on June 30.

Health officials encourage sex workers to ensure customers do not have symptoms of Covid-19.

Mensink says that sex workers are at a high risk of getting nCoV.

"I don't get unemployment benefits if I get sick, so if I see any customers coughing or sneezing, I'll say 'can you come back later?' Because if I get sick for a week.

The Netherlands legalized prostitution in 2000. Prostitutes must register with the local chamber of commerce and pay income tax.

The Netherlands recorded more than 50,000 infections and more than 6,000 deaths.

Covid-19 appears in 213 countries and territories, making more than 10.6 million people infected, more than 516,000 deaths and more than 5.8 million recover.

Updated: 2:21, 25/6 | Source: WorldOMeters