Syrian Kurdish villagers throw rocks and shoes into a Turkish convoy patrolling near the town of al-Maabadah after an armored man died on November 8.
The young man was taken to a hospital in the city of Al-Maabadah (Dayrik) about 26 km away but died of internal bleeding. Kurdish villagers at other locations threw shoes, bricks and objects into Turkish armored patrol alongside Russian military police.

Kurdish villagers throw stones at Turkish armored patrol with Russian military police near the town of al-Maabadah, Syria on November 8 Photo: AFP
Turkey launched the Spring Peace military campaign on October 9-22 to push the Kurdish militia in northeastern Syria away from the border, establishing a 440 km long and wide security buffer zone. 30 km. Turkey wants to use the buffer zone to prevent the Kurdish People's Protection Unit (YPG) from coordinating with the Kurdish separatist group in the country and resettling 3.6 million Syrian refugees.
Russian military police and Turkish soldiers began joint patrols on November 1 with a distance of about 100 km. The second patrol took place on November 5 and the third took place today. The operation is part of an agreement on October 22 in Sochi by Russian President Vladimir Putin and his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan.
The agreement between Russia and Turkey significantly reduced violence in the Syrian border areas, but a number of gun battles still took place between forces in the region. A clash between Turkish and Syrian troops occurred on October 29 near the city of Ras al-Ain, killing six Syrian soldiers, including one executed by pro-Turkish rebels after being arrested. prisoner.