Qatar's Ministry of Health today detected 238 new infections, only 24 cases had been reported before.

Qatar's Ministry of Health today released a statement saying all new cases are those who have been exposed to previously confirmed cases. Qatar has not recorded any deaths. Many of the 24 recorded cases were from a group of foreign nationals and domestic workers returning from Iran. A total of 262 people were infected with nCoV in Qatar.


Public sanitation worker cleans a bus in Tehran on March 10 Photo: Reuters

Qatar closed its universities and schools, canceled major events including the Grand Prix moto tournament and banned people from 14 countries.

Iran recorded 9,000 cases of nCoV, more than 350 died and nearly 3,000 recovered. Iran has yet to impose mandatory blockade orders, but officials have repeatedly called on people to restrict travel and cancel events, and to use measures to close hotels and other residences to curb the influx of people.

Covid-19 originated in Wuhan, China in December 2019, appeared in 120 countries and territories, leaving more than 120,000 infected, more than 4,300 dead and nearly 67,000 recovered.