Princess Teresa of the Bourbon-Parma royal family in Spain was the first royal member in the world to die of the Covid-19 pandemic.
"My sister Maria Teresa de Borbon Parma and Borbon Busset, a victim of Covid-19, died in Paris this afternoon at the age of 80," Prince Sixto Enrique de Borbon, Duke of Aranjuez and brother of The princess, posted on Facebook on March 26.

Spanish princess Maria Teresa in the photo taken in October 2016 Photo: GC
The 86-year-old princess is a member of the Bourbon-Parma family, a long-standing royal family originating in Europe. She died weeks after the Spanish King Felipe VI, her cousin, was found negative by the nCoV.
Princess was born on July 28, 1933 in Paris and studied here. She was a professor at the Sorbonne University in Paris and a professor of sociology at the Complutense University in Madrid, Spain.
Princess Teresa remained single until her death. Her funeral took place in Madrid on March 27.
Covid-19 has appeared in 199 countries and territories, causing more than 662,000 people infected and more than 30,000 deaths. Spain is the second largest epidemic region in Europe, behind only Italy.
Earlier this week, Crown Prince Charles, 71, was also confirmed to be infected with nCoV. He has mild symptoms but stable health and is working from home. The Crown Prince's mother, Queen Elizabeth II, remained in good health despite her son's positive results.
This month, Prince Monaco Albert was also infected. He is being treated at Princess Grace Hospital, named after his late mother, Grace Kelly. Prince Albert said the virus did not leave anyone alone and "there are many cases of people under the age of 60 with this disease".