Spain recorded an additional 674 deaths from nCoV today, a three-day decline, bringing the total number of deaths nationwide to 12,418.
The number of positive cases with nCoV also increased by 4.8% to 130,759 cases nationwide. Thus, Spain has surpassed Italy to become the second largest epidemic region in the world and the largest in Europe.

Funeral home workers move casket containing the body of a Covid-19 patient in Madrid, Spain, April 4 Photo: AFP.
The country recorded a record high number of deaths from nCoV on April 2 with 950 cases. On April 3, Spain reported an additional 932 deaths in 24 hours. Yesterday, the number of deaths recorded was 809.
The government of Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez has taken strong measures to prevent Covid-19, such as imposing a nationwide blockade from March 14 to April 11, despite heavy losses to the economy.
Covid-19 has appeared in more than 200 countries and territories with the focus of the US and European countries, after starting from China in December 2019. Globally, more than 1.2 million people are infected and nearly 66,000 die from nCoV.