The number of people infected and dying from nCoV globally increased by 198,178 and 7,965, thousands of new cases have been reported in many European countries.
Covid-19 continued to spread as it appeared in 165 countries and territories. Europe has become a global epidemic, with new cases rising sharply in some countries such as Italy, Germany and France.

Health worker transfers coffin of 87-year-old lady who died of nCoV infection in Laigueglia, Liguria region on March 1 Photo: AP.
Italy, the largest epidemic in Europe and the second largest in the world, added 3,526 new cases and 345 deaths, bringing the number of cases and deaths nationwide to 31,506 and 2,503. The death rate is 7.94%, which is nearly double the global average of 4.02%.
Germany appears more than 2,000 positive cases, bringing the number of cases to 9,367, but the number of deaths remains low, 26 cases. Lothar Wieler, President of the Robert Koch Institute, the federal agency in charge of disease control in Germany, said the Covid-19 risk warning in the country has moved from "moderate" to "high" due to increased cases. Continuously in the past days, there are more and more signs that the health system is about to overload.
Spain and France reported more than 1,000 positive cases, bringing the cases up to 11,826 and 7,730, respectively. After declaring a state of emergency in 15 days from March 14, the Spanish government decided to blockade nationwide, banning traffic on the road. Madrid also tightened border controls, allowing only citizens and permanent residents, workers working across borders, diplomats and people with force majeure reasons to enter.
Meanwhile, French President Emmanuel Macron declared the country "at war" with nCoV. He ordered people to stay indoors, only to go out if necessary, violators will be severely punished.
Iran continues to be the second largest epidemic region in Asia, after mainland China, when recording 1,178 new infections, bringing the number of cases up to 16,169. Tehran has issued many emergency measures to combat Covid-19, but it has not been shown to be effective, reflected in the increasing number of infections and deaths each day.
Iran began a nationwide blockade on March 13, security forces received orders to "clean the streets" and all the people were monitored for the next 10 days. Authorities have proposed buying more than 170 million masks from abroad, and proposed the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to lend $ 5 billion to cope with the disease.
In the US, the number of infections increased to 6,437 after the emergence of 1,774 new infections. The United States also recorded 23 more deaths, bringing the number of deaths to 109. Epidemics have been reported in all 50 US states.
President Donald Trump has issued instructions to slow the spread of nCoV for 15 days. Accordingly, he urged people to avoid gathering in groups of more than 10, to avoid eating and drinking in bars, restaurants, food courts, working or studying at home whenever possible, "avoid going. arbitrary, shopping and social visits ". The guidelines also recommend that the elderly and people with underlying medical conditions should stay home, away from others.
South Korea and China have not announced new cases and deaths, but recent figures show that the epidemic situation in the two countries is under control.
In Southeast Asia, Malaysia blockaded the country, requiring its citizens not to go abroad and ban foreigners from entering when 673 people were infected with nCoV, becoming the region's largest epidemic zone. Malaysia on March 17 recorded the first death. The patient is a 60-year-old pastor, nearly 200 close contacts he is in isolation at home.
The world recorded an additional 803 deaths, mostly in European countries, bringing the number of people who died of nCoV to 7,965, mostly elderly and underlying diseases. More than 41% of the infections, or 81,729 people, have recovered.