The Selangor State Islamic Court sentenced six to seven months in prison with five gay men today under Islamic law.

According to the ruling of the Selangor State Islamic Court, outside Kuala Lumpur, 4 men were sentenced to 6 months in prison and each was beaten 6 whips, paying 4,800 ringgit ($ 1,100) fine. Another man was sentenced to 7 months in prison, fined 6 whips and fined 4,900 ringgit ($ 1,190).


A Malaysian woman was publicly punished last year for having sex with men Photo: AFP

The group was arrested in an apartment on the outskirts of Kuala Lumpur last November. They were convicted of "attempting to engage in unnatural sex", which was considered a violation of Islamic law.

Homosexual rights activist Numan Afifi, who attended the trial, said such judgments would instill fear. "It is a blatant and terrible injustice to our country," Numan said.

Malaysia, a country with 60% of the Muslim population, operates a dual legal system, allowing Islamic courts to deal with some Muslim community issues.

"Unusual sexual acts" are considered crimes according to both criminal law and Malaysian Islamic law, but very few are convicted for this crime. Last year, two women were fined for homosexuality.