Pneumonia caused by a new strain of the corona family virus can be transmitted from animals to humans and then transformed to spread from person to person.
Acute pneumonia started in Wuhan on December 31, 2019 with 41 people hospitalized, then spread to many other cities and appeared in Thailand, Japan, South Korea and the United States. The cause of the disease is a completely new virus strain of the Corona family (nCoV).

Flight attendants from Wuhan to Sydney on January 23 Photo: AFP
Three Chinese cities - Wuhan, Huanggang and Ngauzhou - have blocked rail, air, long-distance buses and public transport to control the outbreak. Beijing also canceled a series of New Year events to prevent the spread of the disease.
Virologist Leo Poon, who identifies nCoV, believes it is most likely originated from animals and spreads to humans. "It causes pneumonia and does not respond to antibiotics. This is not surprising. It is not possible to determine the actual death rate with the Wuhan virus, but the current figure is lower than the two strains of corana, the virus that causes congestion," he said. acute respiratory tract infection (SARS) and Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS), "Poon added.
However, many experts warn that this could change as the disease continues to spread. The World Health Organization has issued recommendations on how to prepare for a pandemic, including how to monitor people at risk and how to treat them.
Corona is a family of viruses commonly found in animals and rarely crosses people, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). This family of viruses can cause respiratory illness with symptoms similar to a cold such as a runny nose, cough, sore throat, headache and possibly fever for several days.
For people with weak immune systems such as the elderly and young children, the Corona virus can cause more serious complications such as pneumonia and bronchitis. Only certain strains of Corona are potentially fatal when transmitted to humans.
MERS appeared in the Middle East in 2012 and caused serious respiratory illnesses, with a mortality rate of about 30-40%.
SARS was first discovered in Guangdong Province, southern China in 2003. It not only causes respiratory infections but also diarrhea, shortness of breath and kidney failure. The death rate of SARS is in the range of 14-15% of cases, of which 50% of patients over 64 years of age die.
"The Wuhan virus strain seems to be more benign than SARS and MERS, and the incubation period is longer. Patients often cough mildly for a week, followed by shortness of breath and force them to go to the hospital. 20% of complications and need supportive measures such as mechanical ventilation, "Peter Horby, professor of infectious diseases at the University of Oxford, England, said.
Scientists believe that MERS originates from camels, while SARS seems to start from civets. However, WHO officials have not yet identified the animal carrying the nCoV virus, although some researchers think it comes from snakes.
In the case of human-to-human transmission, the virus is most likely transmitted through direct contact with body fluids such as the runny nose and saliva of an infected person. Depending on the virulence of the virus, it can spread through coughing, sneezing or shaking hands.
The virus can also spread when healthy people touch things that have been in contact with an infected person, then put their hands on their mouth, nose, and eyes. Health-care workers can become infected by disposing of patient waste, according to the CDC.
China has confirmed that nCoV can be transmitted from person to person, but experts are still investigating who is most likely to spread the disease and the most vulnerable. "SARS and MERS are mainly spread in hospitals. Some people may also be considered 'sources of super infection," Horby added.
All three strains of Corona cause serious damage to the elderly, although there are still many mysteries with nCoV. "The average age of patients infected with Wuhan virus is about 40, no cases of children have been confirmed," Professor Horby said.
There is no specific treatment plan for nCoV, studies are still underway. Scientists say most symptoms will soon disappear, but patients need to go to a medical facility if the condition worsens. Your doctor may prescribe pain and fever-reducing medicines, while a humidifier or hot bath will help relieve a sore throat and limit coughing spells.
"Drink as much water and sleep as much as possible," Horby added.
Biological professor Neil Ferguson at Imperial College London thinks that nCoV is a significant concern on a global scale. "Its mortality rate is lower than SARS and MERS, but still comparable to the Spanish flu pandemic of 1918," he said.
Experts suggest several methods to reduce the likelihood of spreading the disease, such as avoiding contact with the sick, limiting hand contact with eyes, nose and mouth, washing hands frequently with soap for more than 20 seconds.
"If you get sick and have reason to believe that you have a Wuhan virus, go to the doctor for treatment as soon as possible. Cover your mouth and nose when coughing, sneezing and then disinfecting the surfaces you used to. If you come to China, pay attention to the symptoms and avoid the live animal markets, which is where the disease began, "Professor Ferguson said.