Many Hong Kong restaurants have transparent screens on the dining tables to minimize the risk of diners spreading corona viruses to each other.
Acrylic screens or roll-up screens can be erected between dining tables, even separating people from the same table, amid the number of corona virus infections (Covid-19) in Hong Kong Special Administrative Region is in danger of increasing.

Cloth curtains at the dining tables in Gyu-Kaku in Whampoa Photo: Winson Wong/SCMP
LH Group, one of the largest restaurant chains in Hong Kong, is busy installing screens at nearly 40 restaurants by the end of this week. LH Chairman Simon Wong Kit-lung on 11/2 called this "a temporary precautionary measure".
"Our priority is to prevent the disease. These scrollable covers can at least provide comfort and peace of mind to our customers," Wong said.
A number of teahouses, hospital canteens, including Hong Kong Baptist Hospital, also made similar moves. A popular budget teahouse in Tai Kok Tsui has erected transparent screens about 0.6 meters high on each store's tea table.
Fear of the epidemic spread by eating at a restaurant in Hong Kong in recent days, after 11 members of the same family had Covid-19 after eating a hotpot at Lento restaurant in Hong Kong. Kwun Tong area to celebrate the two who have just returned from mainland China.

A screen separates two diners at a restaurant in the Kowloon Peninsula, Hong Kong Photo: SCMP.
The Lento restaurant was then suspended and reimbursed to customers who had booked, all restaurant staff were required to isolate themselves at home for 14 days.
Hong Kong has so far recorded 49 cases of Covid-19, while the total number of infections in mainland China is more than 43,100. 1,115 people have died of Covid-19 worldwide.
Countries with patients with Covid-19 infection. Click on the image to see it in full.
The revenue of restaurants in Hong Kong in 2019 decreased by 5.9% to US $ 14.5 billion compared to the same period in 2018. One of the reasons was the protests against the extradition bill in the special zone. turned into anti-government protests, which erupted in June last year. The outbreak of Covid-19 could make the business of these restaurants more gloomy.