Hong Kong declared the outbreak of coronary pneumonia due to the "urgent" state and enacted a series of measures to prevent the spread.
High-speed flights and trains linking Hong Kong with Wuhan, the epicenter of the epidemic, will cease to serve. The Chinese New Year holidays will continue to close until February 17 and the special education authority has asked universities to extend their leave of absence.

Passengers wear masks at West Kowloon high-speed train station, Hong Kong, to prevent acute pneumonia Photo: Reuters
Hong Kong currently has 5 cases of Corona virus (nCoV) infection, all of which are related to Wuhan, and 122 people are suspected of being infected.
Chief Executive Carrie Lam said today all trips to mainland China and Chinese New Year celebrations will be immediately canceled. However, she rejected the possibility of banning all people from mainland China from coming to Hong Kong, saying this was unrealistic.
Lam also said she is seeking support from mainland China to ensure there is sufficient supply of masks.
"I urge all people to unite to fight against the disease," she said, hours after returning from the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.
The first case of Hong Kong pneumonia virus was discovered on January 22 in a 39-year-old man from Wuhan to the special zone by high-speed train. The health status of one of 5 patients on 1/25 is going bad and this person is currently breathing oxygen.
The district government previously arranged thermometers at the airport and high-speed boat terminal. All passengers arriving by speedboat and aircraft are required to fill out a health form, while an isolation area has been set up in some hospitals.
Epidemic pneumonia caused by nCoV first appeared in Wuhan City, capital of Hubei Province. The source of the new strain of the virus is thought to be from wildlife in the seafood market. Up to now, 41 people have been killed and 1,300 people infected throughout China. Symptoms include fever, shortness of breath, and cough. There is currently no vaccine for the virus that can be spread from person to person.
The World Health Organization (WHO) has declared it an "emergency in China" but has not yet been an international concern, saying that most of the death victims are elderly and have suffered from many ailments before. when infected with nCoV. Outside of China, outbreaks have occurred in Thailand, Japan, Korea, the USA, Singapore, Nepal, France and Vietnam.