The Chinese Foreign Ministry said the Arsenal player Ozil was deceived by fake news about the Uighurs and invited him to Xinjiang.
"I don't know if Ozil will go to Xinjiang. But it seems he has been deceived by fake news and his judgment is affected by dishonest remarks," the Foreign Ministry spokesman said. delivered China Police Station said at the regular press conference in Beijing today.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Canh Shuang at a press conference in Beijing today Photo: Reuters
Canh said that if Ozil gets a chance, China is "very happy" to see the player come to Xinjiang and make his own assessment.
"As long as he has common sense, can clearly distinguish right from wrong, upholds the principle of objectivity and fairness, he will see a very different Xinjiang," Geng said. "Xinjiang enjoys political stability, economic development, national unity, social harmony. Everyone there lives and works in peace and contentment."
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman's comments came after Ozil, the German-born German midfielder playing for the Arsenal club, condemned China in connection with the minority Muslim Xinjiang in Xinjiang. Twitter posted on December 13 and criticized Muslim countries for not speaking out against Beijing's actions.
China 's Global Times yesterday called the 31 - year - old' s comments false, and tweeted that Ozil "disappointed Chinese football fans and regulators". The Arsenal club declined to comment on the news, insisting they "always adhere to a politically unrelated principle".
The Chinese government has been accused of bringing about one million Uighurs and Muslim minority members into concentration camps since the beginning of 2017. Beijing asserts these facilities are "vocational training centers." "to help the people here learn Mandarin, professional skills, stay away from religious extremism.
The United States and Western countries do not accept this statement. The US House of Representatives on December 3 passed the Uighur Bill, which allows the US government to identify and punish officials deemed to be responsible for the mass detention of ethnic minority members in the self-reliance district. Xinjiang treatment.