WHO said air pollution is one of the biggest threats for human life, making 7 million people die early every year.
Each year, the exposure to air polluted air estimates that 7 million people die early and lose millions of healthy years of living, the World Health Organization (WHO) today said.

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For children, air pollution can affect the development and function of lungs, respiratory infections and make asthma extra severe.
Many evidence shows that air pollution also affects diabetes and neurodegriotic degradation, according to WHO.
Dust covered with New Delhi capital, India on November 1, 2019.
WHO said that while the air quality has improved significantly since the 1990s in high-income countries, the number of global dead people and the number of healthy living years lost virtually no reduction, due to air quality
Air pollution is a threat to health in every country, but people in low-income and average countries are most affected, General Manager WHO Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said.
WHO said the agency made a new guidance on air quality, to protect human health before the negative impacts from air pollution.
WHO's new guide was launched before the COP26 Climate Change Conference in Glasgow, England, scheduled from October 31 to November 12.